Monday, November 7, 2011

Treasure your love ~~~learn from the Glory At Sea

Treasure your love
~~~learn from the Glory At Sea
I really appreciate this short movie! After grasping the main idea, I can’t help myself praising: it’s so amazing!
On the first time finishing the film, I got very confused about the story. Maybe because of my English understanding or as a consequence of the difference between two cultures, my mind was filled with questions.
I couldn’t figure out why all the people in that village took out their possessions helping that man, and why they all followed the man going to the sea.
I couldn’t understand why that man suddenly jumped into the sea when he waked up on one day morning.
I didn’t know why other people all jumped into the water except the preacher.
I was even surprised by the moment all the people found their lost family members in the sea.
But after grasping the clues, I have to admit that it is such a beautiful and thoughtful story.
All the people followed the man just because he is the only survivor from the sea. Only he knew where the dead people sinking into the sea. Driving by the deep missing emotions, people chose to follow the man to find the person they treasured.
The music is one of the greatest light spots in the story. It gives me a sense of solemn and stirring. The celebration and the music make the ending a happy one because the people have found what they want; they get together with the person they want to be with.
Whether or not the ending of the story is true or fancy, I prefer all the people can meet their love, no matter in reality or in dream.
Don’t we think it’s a little sad at the preacher? He didn’t jump because there was no person he could jump for. He chose to stay with religion, that is what he treasure.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I have a dream~

I have a dream.
I have a dream that I can get A in every class at the end of this semester.
I have a dream that I will be the full time student in next semester.
I have a dream that I can have the honor to receive my teachers’ recommendation.
I have a dream that the UMS admission office will transfer more credits I took from my previous university in china when I become a full time transfer student.
I have a dream today!
I have a dream everyday!
This is my hope, and this is the faith that I keep on working everyday.
With this faith, I will be able to work whole night without sleep.
With this faith, I will be able to work whole day without eating.
Let glory ring from the Harbor Point.
Let glory ring from the JFK library.
Let glory ring from every corner of Boston.
Let glory ring!

Ha-ha! I can’t help laughing. I’m sorry. All above is just a joke.
Now come my--- “I have a dream!”

I have a dream that one day the nation will be generous enough to offer the equal education chances for every child; no matter they are from rich family or poor.

I have a dream that one day the medical insurance can be spread to every corner of the country; it will not be so hard and expensive for people to go to hospital.

I have a dream that one day the price of the real estate will decrease; young people can afford the house by their own ability.

I have a dream that one day our country will focus more on its people rather than pursuing economic growth.

I just have a dream that our people can live a happy life, especially the poor ones…    

Monday, October 17, 2011

Group working---I learn a lot of thing!

Last Thursday, our group gave a presentation about our assignment in seminar class. Although it’s the first time we work together, I think we have done a good job. It’s not because how much the achievement we have realized, but the process we have experienced. During last two weeks, I really enjoyed the happy time working with my two classmates Mauricio and Andres.
The most valuable things in my mind could be three points:
1、         the developing friendship
2、         the effective working cooperation
3、         the lesson we get from our experiment
We got excited after we decided to choose the assignment 1 as our group working. First, we found the resources and inspiration together. Since we got the interesting topic about the Signs, we separated everyone’s single task. I was going to give the introduction about the video resources and our plan, Andres got to show our own experiments, and Mauricio would give a conclusion.
In this post, I would rather say something more about our own experiments.
At the very beginning, we had a very bad experience. I concluded the reasons for two aspects. One could be the material we chosen to make the signs, and another must be what the signs said. To make the sign seems more official, we went to the bookstore. We bought a big board and some black letters which can stick on to any paper. When we took them into practice, we were sad to find that the letters didn’t work so well. They just like the sticky we used in daily life, falling easily. This action was a little like gilding the lily, because printer could be much more convenient and cheaper. What’s more, the big board was not only difficult to carry but also hard to put in the suitable place. Then considering about what the sign said, we might have the fault to choose something a little bit serious and impolite. We put a sign beside the elevator which has a big volume of daily passengers, and it said: “don not use the elevator.” It must be a trick to us that on that day the elevator beside the one we tested was out of work, on which there was also a sign might be from the university said: “the elevator is out of work”. I feel so sorry when I saw an old lady with white hair hesitated to step in when other people dared to do so. She looked these two signs and stepped back. It seemed like that she was afraid of the situation about the poor elevator. What made me even more uncomfortable is that she was too old to get the stair way, so the elevator was her only assistant, but we stopped her. At the end, we gave it up. We don’t want put others in some embarrassing situation. Here, I want to say so sorry to that old lady.
After taking some effective advices from Jessica, we changed our plan. We printed the signs as “don’t use this door, use the left one” and “please give me a smile”. We also recorded the sense, just as the ones we have shown in class. Whether they are good or not, we have tried our best.
Thinking about my performance, I may a little be nervous, but I really enjoy the moment showing what we have experienced. By the way, I really want to thank my partners Mauricio and Andres. I feel so happy to complete the interesting experiments with you.         

Thursday, September 29, 2011

videos about awarness and observation

Eyewitness can sometimes cheat us.

Today in seminar class, we watched some interesting videos about different kinds of scene changing.  We tried our best to focus on something, but unfortunately we often lose some other amazing points. Some changes were fast, while some were slowly. Some changes even happened out of our minds. It’s really a fascinating experience.

In the first video, I did see the gorilla at the first time, but the reason why I could see it may be a little funny. I just can’t figure out exactly how many times the basketball has been kicked. Counting makes me crazy, and I give it up. Just on that moment, the gorilla appeared. I even screamed in low voice: “oh, what’s that?” But nobody respond to me, maybe they just focused on counting. When reviewing it, a lot people laughed. Maybe they were surprised how they could miss this clear part. It must be an interesting experience, but unfortunately, I missed it.  

We also watched videos like repeating changes, slow changes, and movie scene changes.

Repeating changes show two different but almost similar pictures repeating again and again. The video played very fast, and at first we were astonish to feel how it could end so quickly. It was too fast for us to find the differences. But soon we found the rule, and change became quiet clearly. This change may only confuse us at the first time. We became sensitive and not easy to be cheated.

Movie scene changes seem difficulty but actually easy to follow if you don’t focus on the dialogue or the story. It’s so funny to see the woman wear the necklace at the first view turning out to have a scarf around her neck in the next scene.

For me, I think the slow changes are the most difficult to figure out. I required reviewing the video again and again, but I could not find the rule. Once the picture changed, I will have difficult to discover what had changed in the picture. I must say I’m not sensitive about the changes turning out slowly.

We often have one hundred percent confidence at what we seeing, but through this interesting experience, we must admit that what we see sometimes could not be the truth.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My thoughts about the interesting game

      Days before, I had met some difficulties with my computer, and I didn't post what I thought about the interesting game we played in the class which related to wealth&power.
      Here follows my ideas.

       It is quiet an impressive class which gives us the opportunity to experience the wealth and power through an interesting game. The game is focused on wealth and the distribution based on the power of different classes. I have some ideas in personal about the game, and want to share them with my classmates.
       First, people are not born fairly to gain money. At the very beginning, Jessica throws lots of pennies on the ground, about two hundred and fifty. We are required to try our best and use all the material available to pick up pennies as much as we can. Most people are able to use their hands. Some people are planning to use their cloth. But few of us can only use spoon to pursue the money on the ground because of some special reasons. In our game, the unlucky reason is just because black is their favorite color. All the people are in a circle, but everybody has different distance to the penny area. Maybe the circle is more like an oval. I am lucky to stand along the long side in front of the pennies, that’s why I can get as much as 22 pennies at beginning. But for some persons like Dong Wook and Paula who stand along the short side and have far more distance to the pennies just pick up 6 and 7 cents at first. I believe that happens in the real world. Some people are born to face lots of chances to own money, while some people have fewer opportunities or even have limited condition to earn money.
       Then we came to the process to ask or donate the money personally. We can see various kinds of methods for people to ask for money, sometimes they even play trick on other people. I don’t ask for anything, but donate 5 cents. By different kinds of ways, some poor people soon surprise become rich man.
       After this process, we are divided into three classes on the basis of different wealth. Like the real world, middle class occupies the largest amount of people, and the rich class contains least. The people in the same class also have different level of wealth, but the baseline is fixed: 14 for middle and 27 for rich. And I am in the middle class. Each class can put forward a program on how to distribute all the property in society. Of course, all classes will follow the rule of benefiting the most for themselves. The program rich people suggest is that middle class donate 27 cents and they donate 21 for the poor people. The middle want change the number as 13 and 32. The poor people prefer to get 17 cents from the middle class and 30 from the rich. All the people have the right to vote on each program, but different class has different power. Each rich people vote accounts 5 tickets, each middle cut down to 2, and each poor just equal to 1 ticket.  Even through the rich people have the heaviest power, we reach an interesting and funny result that middle and poor combine together to win the most rich people. The program 2 becomes effective. Frankly speaking, I don’t think it’s realistic in the real world. Middle class and the poor class can’t be all standing at one side to get coordination, once if it shows some of these signs, the rich people will use any methods to separate them, and they will be the final winner. In the game, the rich people become less wealthy than middle class in the end, it is also not realistic and helpful. This phenomenon will lead to the overall economic level of recession, which does harm to the whole society.     
       At last, I want point out that if I were in the poor class, considering the entire situation, I may vote on the program 1 which the rich people offer. In total, program 1 can promise me to gain 48 cents, more than our program 47, even larger than middle class’s program which donates 45cents in total amount. Maybe I take less into consideration, but on the basis of total amount, the poor class may choose the worst one.
       I really enjoy the process, and have gained much from the experience.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The embarrassing situation---some thoughts about the Singer's essay

Peter Singer points out that all of us are in a situation choosing between the life of some innocent persons and the sacrifice of what we owning. I have to say it’s true in the real world, even though I don’t want in such an embarrassing situation.

Peter Singer tells the story about Dora and Bob who both in the difficult situation making decision between other person’s life and personal wealth. Compared with these two examples, the writer figures out that people who live well should have the responsibility to give the substantial amounts of money to help people overseas who are hungry, malnourished or dying from easily treatable illnesses. He lists a few numbers of some organizations to encourage people donating for others. I think it’s a good way to pursue, but when take into action, people will have different obstacles.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

About "obedience"--sep.21.2011

I am quite interested in the topic of “obedience”, and the materials we have been reading and seeing are really attractive. “Surprised” could be described as my first impressions about the reading and video. In my opinion, obedience simply can be described as “following the rules or command”. when I was young, I used to think that obedience is positive which can make us live in well-regulated circumstances, but after I grew up, I was frustrated to find that we have no choice to obey something against our principles. It’ s very sad to think about it.
I do think it will change the way my view ideas about authority and conformity.  I can’t help thinking the predictions and the real fact. I can’t image how so many people will continue until 450 volts. They abandon their authority to humanity and human sympathy but choose to obey the cruel suggestion even it is just an experiment.
Anyway, I think authority and conformity should not be blind. We ought to insist on the basic principle to be human, to respect ourselves.